Dr Jill Gowdie
Brief Biography
Jill is a speaker, writer and facilitator and is a recognised leader in Australia and overseas for her work in teacher and leader Formation, Mission and Catholic Identity. Jill has qualifications across the disciplines of theology, spirituality, religious education, journalism and education. She founded the national network for Formation for Australian Catholic Educators (FACE), and also developed a system-wide approach to contemporary spiritual formation for Catholic Educators and leaders which has been adopted by other Australian, English and Canadian dioceses. She is the author of the 2017 book Stirring the Soul of Catholic Education, now used as a Masters level text and has authored a number of book chapters, articles and resources in theology, spirituality and RE journals. Jill has been a faculty member with BBI-TAITE and visiting fellow at Oxford Theology and KU Leuven Theology faculties and is also a peer reviewer for Sage Publications. Jill is currently on the Boards of the Lasallian Mission Council, and the Mission and Education Board. Her most recent work has included creation of content for a new edition of the NRSV Holy Bible with Encyclopedia, Catholic Edition for students.
Rev Dr Peter Carblis
Brief Biography
Peter Carblis has an honours degree in Science from the University of Sydney, a Masters in Education (Adult Education) from the University of Technology, Sydney, a Masters in Ministry from Charles Sturt University and a PhD in Educating for Emotional Intelligence from Macquarie University. He is currently working toward a second PhD with the Sydney College of Divinity in which he is exploring the use of the terms of the New Covenant to provide theological validation for educational outcomes and ministry objectives. Peter has had a long and varied career involved in pioneering pastoral ministry and education at school, vocational and higher educational levels. He has constantly worked, often concurrently, in practitioner, executive and governance roles including have included school founder, church pioneer, senior and support pastoral leader, teacher, school principal, and college principal. Peter is currently a Senior Chaplain with the Churches of Christ and their representative on the Civil Chaplaincies Advisory Committee in which he serves as a member of the Health Services Sub-Committee and the convenor of the Endorsement Task Group which has responsibility for the endorsement of Hospital, Corrective Services and Juvenile Justice Chaplains and the registration of chaplaincy education providers.
Mr Julian Kluge
Brief Biography:
Julian Kluge has been employed in Catholic Schools for the majority of his career and has held positions in Wellbeing, Curriculum, Assistant Principal Religious identity and Mission and Deputy Principal. In his role at the Catholic Education Office, Julian has worked in the Religious Education Team and Catholic identity Section, delivered the Graduate Certificate in Catholic Education for UniSA, engaged with the Enhancing Catholic Identity Project and been involved in the formation, recruitment and review of Religious Leaders. A particular focus in this work has been tailoring programs and resources for the Spiritual and Religious formation of Religious Leaders and teaching staff. He is passionate about staff and leaders in Catholic schools exploring their identity and spiritual and religious connection points with their vocation, ministry and lived experience. Julian lives with his wife Amanda and two young children Ezra and Ada on 5 acres at Salem in the Eastern Mt Lofty Ranges in South Australia and has a passion for planting trees, growing food and cooking.
General Executive Committee Member
Dr Christopher Longhurst
Brief Biography
Chris Longhurst is a Catholic theologian and lecturer of theology at Te Kupenga Catholic Theological College of Aotearoa New Zealand. His speciality areas include theological aesthetics, comparative theology, intercultural theology, moral theology, philosophical theology, religion and art and theology of religions. He is a KAICIID Fellow (King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue) and member of the New Zealand Catholic Bishops’ Committee for Interfaith Relations.
General Executive Committee Member
Dr Debra Snoddy
Brief Biography
Debra Snoddy has been a lecturer in Biblical Studies at the Catholic Institute of Sydney, Australia since 2016. Her specialisation is the Gospel of John but she teaches both the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures and is a passionate believer that the Scriptures are the most practical tool for pastoral ministry. to this end one of her research interests is developing a method to allow for critical inquiry into the biblical texts for ministers and practitioners of practical and pastoral theology.
General Executive Committee Member
Dr Zachariah Duke
Brief Biography
Zachariah (Zach) Duke is a lay Catholic practical-pastoral theologian and university leader. Zach is Senior Lecturer in the National School of Theology at Australian Catholic University. Zach has held various senior academic positions at BBI-The Australian Institute of Theological Education, Te Kupenga - Catholic Leadership Institute and Jesuit College of Spirituality, as well as lectureships at the University of Tasmania, the University of Wollongong, and the University of Tasmania. He is known internationally for his research in disability theology and has published numerous articles and presented around the world on this and related topics. Zach is a director on the Board of St Lucy’s School (a Catholic primary and secondary school which caters for children living with disability) and the Delany Foundation (a not-for-profit charity of the Patrician Brothers).
General Executive Committee Member
Dr Therese Lautua
General Executive Committee Member
Dr David Tutty